at 19:33 CET, Sun and Moon 12° Capricorn in harmony with Uranus, Mars in cooperation with Saturn, Jupiter in Pisces

Sun and Moon 12° Capricorn
Earth, yin, cardinal
Reliability, wisdom, security, structure
rigidity, surpression, deficiency, relentlessness

Capricorn: Bones and teeth, knees, perseverance
Root Chakra, Security
Implementing boundaries while remaining fexible!
Start challenging long-term projects

Cosmic Mood: considerate and rational
Change comes to areas that seemed rigid and untouchable. Instead of recent tensions and struggles, this is more of an easy flow now, while we are constructing a solid foundation for new societal structures
Real hope
The first New Moon, right at the beginning of the year, helps setting the tone. And it's a constructive one: it's time to get real, get it straight, build a solid foundation. Last year's struggle for, and resistance against, change can - partly, at least - shift into easy acceptance, getting into the flow.
This is a new beginning for all things serious, realistic and reasonable. Only essential things matter, anything superficial might just leave our life... and while Capricorn might be known for being conservative and tradition oriented, right now we are open to anything new, while keeping both feet solidly on the ground.
New ambitions bring motivation, we can work towards our goals with discipline and perseverance - while remaining flexible, adapting to necessary adjustments. We are still in a time of contemplation. Go slow but steady. But we do have the willpower to stick with our New Year reolutions.
This New Moon brings suficient grounding to new, hopeful energies that otherwise might invoke illusions, building air castles. Now our hopes can be turned into real, tangible improvements. A supportive aspect helps us turn big goals and visions into concrete, workable projects. Commitment and perseverance are in the package, too, to make sure we put in the effort and see things through. But we do have to seize this opportunity to cooperate and invest in our shared future. Things aren't going to happen out of nothing. And suddenly we can work on a constructive solution for personal freedom within a new societal order. The tensions won't go away overnight, but instead of friction and stress there is a more harmonious shift toward new solutions.
At the same time, this Moon can bring a whole new set of rules and reglementations. A controlled process of restructuring is meant to grant security and put boundaries in place. Overall, there's more acceptance, less resistance. Still, exclusion and expulsion can be hot topics now. Responsibility and reason, as well as conformity, are being emphasized now.
Ambitious political agendas on shaping the future might be announced, main topics will be finances and resources. This doesn't mean sudden changes, but an irrevocable shift in financial and economic structures is on the way. Even when familiar areas are not going to be the same anymore, we are much more open to the outcome.
What's next?
This New Moon wants us to get a solid foundation, while focusing on required and essential changes. Our way of thinking, our attitude is future oriented now, welcoming all things new and different.
Some kind of showdown might be expected in the prolonged embittered battle of Fact versus Fake, the fight for truth and influence, before the conflict - hopefully - will fade away.
Around the 9th of January we should really be focusing on our wishes and desires. It's time to prioritize, to set intentions and to consciously start manifesting. Bring in the blessings!
Another aspect is calling us to actively work towards a dream, a higher goal - at the same time, this energy can be treacherous and misleading, trigger passive aggressive behavior and fanatism...
Towards the middle of the month, be extra cautious about all kinds of agreements and contracts. There might be some surprises. There can also be a high level of stress and anxiety. Be sure to bring your relaxation techniques and get enough rest!
"I create a stable and secure foundation for flexible growth"
This text is based on astrological interpretation. It is not to be taken as a recommendation or guideline of any kind. Moreover, this is non-personalized, general astrological information. Any implementation or use of this information is in your own responsibility and at your own risk.
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